How to Get Rid of the Cursor Funnel/Filter Icon in SOLIDWORKS

How to Get Rid of the Purple Funnel Icon in SOLIDWORKS

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Every SOLIDWORKS user has had it happen – you’re minding your business, modeling away, when suddenly and without warning:

This is the SOLIDWORKS purple Selection Filter

For those of you looking for the quickest tip you’ll ever receive, simply press the F6 key in SOLIDWORKS and then move the cursor to get rid of this icon. You can thank me later!

For those who’d like to stick around and figure what this thing is, how it got there and how to prevent it from happening again, read on!

What Is the Purple Cursor Funnel Icon?

This icon indicates that a Selection Filter is currently active. If you’ve seen this icon before, you probably noticed that your selections in the graphics area became restricted, likely preventing you from selecting anything other than faces, or perhaps vertices.

This is actually the intent of these filters, however, which can be exceptionally useful in certain situations (like to allow only edge selections while adding a complex fillet feature, or only solid bodies when running a Combine command, for example).

If you’d like to browse the available Selection Filters for future reference, turn on the Selection Filter toolbar by clicking View > Toolbars > Selection Filter or by simply pressing F5 on the keyboard.

In this toolbar, you’ll find a filter for nearly every SOLIDWORKS entity to assist you in making precise graphical selections.

This is the SOLIDWORKS toolbar where the Selection Filter is found.

You can also enable more than one filter at a time – so if you’d like to restrict selections to edges and vertices, for example, simply turn both Selection Filters on by clicking on the appropriate icon. They will remain active until you turn them back off.

How Did This Even Happen?

At this point you may be thinking, “But I’ve never seen that toolbar in my life!” The truth is, Selection Filters are usually enabled accidentally through their default hotkeys, which are in an uncomfortably close proximity to keys we use very regularly, such as Ctrl, Alt, and Shift.

By default, Filter Faces is bound to the X key, while Filter Vertices is bound to the V key. These keys are extremely easy to bump unintentionally, but fortunately they’re very easy to disable.

How Do You Turn Off the Selection Filter?

In case you missed it at the beginning of the article, you can simply press F6 on the keyboard to clear any active Selection Filters without ever opening up the toolbar mentioned above. If you’d prefer, however, you can also use the second icon in the Selection Filters toolbar to clear any active filters.

This is how to clear all Selection Filters.

If you have multiple Selection Filters active and do not wish to clear all of them at once, you can alternatively click individual filters to toggle them on/off.

Disabling Hotkeys for the Selection Filter

To disable these hotkeys, navigate to Tools > Customize and access the Keyboard tab. To make things easier, I recommend typing “filter” into the search box available here to narrow down the available commands. Once you’ve located Filter Faces and Filter Vertices, click the command(s) and use the Remove Shortcut button to disable it. No more frustration!

This is where to find the Remove Shortcut feature in SOLIDWORKS.

Remember, Selection Filters have their use cases! Consider trying one out next time you’re having difficulty making selections, but until then, enjoy your filter-free experience!

Watch the Selection Filter Video Tutorial

In this video, we show you step-by-step on you can remove the Selection Filter.

Do you have any tips or tricks for making selections easier in SOLIDWORKS? We’d love to hear about them in the comments! Learn more about SOLIDWORKS, and be sure to contact us at Hawk Ridge Systems today if you have any questions. Thanks for reading!

Picture of Jacob Ames

Jacob Ames

Jacob Ames is an applications engineer for Hawk Ridge Systems in Bothell, WA, specializing in SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD, Simulation, and 3D Printers. Before joining Hawk Ridge Systems, Jacob earned degrees in mechanical engineering and aeronautics from MIT with a focus on renewable fuels. If he's not teaching class, you'll probably find him playing video games with friends or tearing up some trails on a dirt bike.
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Bill West
Bill West
2 years ago

Thank You!!!!

Carter Lee
Carter Lee
2 years ago

Awesome finally someone that puts all the common questions of this filter together in one place. It’s been bugging me for years that it would always randomly appear when I’m moving my view around and while most places tell you you can disable the filter by going to the tool bar or pressing F6, most don’t care to mention which hotkeys these are bound to or how to remap them.
Thanks for the awesome article.

Patrick Leckrone
Patrick Leckrone
2 years ago

This is a good article. The problem I am having is that the pointer symbols do not appear. I have not had this issue before. I fired up SW today and the issue appeared. I have restarted SW, still have issue. Thanks for any help you can provide.

2 years ago

Thank you!!!

2 years ago

I can’t leave a like so I’ll leave a comment

Jeannie Llewellyn
Jeannie Llewellyn
2 years ago

The method for disabling the accidental turning on of the filters really helped! Worth the read. Thank you.