Hawk Ridge Systems
Our Story

Hawk Ridge Systems

Empowering Engineers Since 1996
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Who We Are

Since 1996, we have been empowering innovators like you, because we are like you.

At Hawk Ridge Systems, we are imaginative, inquisitive, always testing the limits and breaking the mold. But most of all, we are constantly seeking opportunities for continued growth and change… in ourselves, for our customers, and for the world around us.

While we know that most engineers are built on the do-it-yourself mentality, we also recognize that to truly build world-changing products, it takes much more.

That’s where we come in.

Our Journey

Through The Years

Fueled by a Single Vision

Dale Ford, CEO, started Hawk Ridge Systems out of a small office in northern California, fueled by coffee and the vision of providing the best engineering service and support.


When a new, powerful CAD tool emerged, Hawk Ridge Systems was one of the first to see its game-changing potential and begin backing SOLIDWORKS software.

New Simulation Solutions

Knowing that one of the best ways for our customers to increase their bottom line is to shorten design cycles and reduce prototyping, we decided it was time to add new simulation solutions to our portfolio. We also expanded to serve the Pacific Northwest market.

Helping Customers Take Control of Their Data

Identifying a new key pain point for our customers, it was time to add product data management tools. At this time, we also expanded our coverage to reach engineers across the entire west coast – from southern California to British Columbia.

New CAM & Electrical Design Solutions

We knew it would be a challenge to get into the CAM and electrical game, but the new tools were a great opportunity to help our customers continue to further streamline their design-to-manufacturing processes.

Serving All of Canada

Dale Ford, CEO, started Hawk Ridge Systems out of a small office in northern California, fueled by coffee and the vision of providing the best engineering service and support.

New 3D Printing and Scanning Solutions

Just when you thought the 3D printing industry was unchangeable, Markforged and HP thought otherwise. Adding this innovative technology for our customers was a no-brainer.

New Flexible Training Options

Through a new strategic partnership with SolidProfessor, we were able to add over 15,000 online, on-demand training modules as part of our SOLIDWORKS subscription plan.

Coast to Coast Coverage

Another huge milestone! By the end of 2021, we had partnered with another very talented team and could officially say that we now serve and support engineers from coast to coast in both Canada and the US.

Meeting You Where You’re At

With more than 20 office locations and over 400 employees across North America, we are here to provide you with the best engineering and design solutions, support and services – and we’re just getting started.

hawk ridge systems map