Hawk Ridge Systems

3 Reasons Why Your Current Electrical Schematic Design Process Is Failing You

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Dreading your schematic design documentation? Unable to update your designs unerringly? Cumbersome communication methods causing a conundrum? If any of these workflow challenges sound familiar to you, your current schematic design process is failing You.

Here are three reasons why:

  • Design documentation is too time consuming and error prone
  • Critical design updates are too laborious
  • Communication among team members is not optimized

Why Is My Design Documentation Process So Time Consuming and Error Prone?

Spending days or weeks on critical schematic documentation is not just a “cost of doing business.” It’s one of the most expensive and risky workflows for your organization. Manually creating all documentation including bill of materials, lists of cables, wiring from-to lists and PLC I.O. reports are not only time consuming but also vulnerable to human error. Transpositions can happen with a sloppy copy and paste or a critical cell in Excel could be missed. These types of mistakes made during the documentation phase can lead to unnecessary costs and rework later in the development cycle.

By automating your reporting tasks alone, you can save more than 50 percent of the time needed to create quality documentation while minimizing the risk of human error, thanks to software like SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Now, you can spend more time developing cutting-edge designs and moving new products out the door faster while spending less time manually generating grueling design documentation.

Electrical schematic design documentation with SOLIDWORKS Electrical

Why Are Design Updates So Laborious?

Something as simple as changing the type of motor used in your schematic can cause a frenzy of anxiety. This one task alone may involve updating data and symbology in ten different places, on multiple pages, within your schematic. All schematic pages and reports need to be searched through and then modified with the latest information. If something is missed, not only can it be confusing, but it can ultimately lead to design failure. With SOLIDWORKS Electrical, your change is updated throughout your entire schematic in less than two minutes!

Why Is Team Communication So Difficult?

Historically, wires get crossed all too often without a streamlined communication process. Take a look at the demise of the NASA Mars Climate Orbiter, launched in 1998. The software program on the ground was working with the standard system of measurement, while the spacecraft was using the metric system. This blunder resulted in a disintegrated spacecraft and a very expensive mistake!

When communication among team members is not optimized, mistakes can easily slip through the cracks. Faulty designs can then work their way through the development cycle wreaking havoc on the engineering team, project budgets and deadlines.

Enabling teams to work together in a virtual environment like SOLIDWORKS Electrical ensures you are never working on an outdated schematic again. You no longer need to worry about work being duplicated, or even worse, saved over! Team members will get real-time updates on which pages are being edited, and a built-in chat functionality allows team members to send messages back and forth without picking up the phone or leaving the comfort of your chair!

Are you ready to speed up your electrical schematic creation and say goodbye to exhausting, manual processes? Learn how you can get started with SOLIDWORKS Electrical today. If you have any questions, contact us at Hawk Ridge Systems. Thanks for reading!

Picture of Danielle Harrison

Danielle Harrison