Hawk Ridge Systems
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Adapting to Market Trends: Introducing New Services from Hawk Ridge Systems

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“Necessity is the mother of invention” is an old English proverb, molded from Plato’s writings. Today, this quote is often hitting home, as we find ourselves exiting a pandemic and looking to invent new ways to grow our businesses under new conditions. We like to say, “What got us here, won’t get us there,” which promotes fresh ideas for continuous improvement. 

Trends in the market can give us insight into what “best in class” companies are doing differently, as they navigate these situations, in search of opportunities for continuous improvement (CI), further market differentiation, and profitable growth. 

Hawk Ridge Systems is consistently engaged with thousands of engineering and manufacturing companies across North America, all directionally trying to solve the same problems and go after similar opportunities. How they approach this, however, is very different from company to company. There are some trends that we have been tracking and adapting to, in order to help lead our clients to find success. 

Listening and Adapting to Trends in the Market 

As a true partner to our clients, our job is not only to be there when needed, but to be there before we are needed. How do we accomplish that? By listening. When we listen to trends, we can be proactive, rather than reactive, and adapt ahead of the needs of most of our clients.  

So, how are we adapting to these new trends and the needs of our clients?  Here are some examples: 

Market Trend How We Have Adapted
Doing more with less: loss of talent and/or resources Design & Engineering services for resource leveling 
Remote workforce Moving services from onsite only to remote, where possible
Loss of budget Creating more services to lower total cost of ownership for clients 
Compromised R&D and NPD  New product development as a service
Outsourced part time services  CAD/PDM admin, design analysis, etc. as a service
Lack of innovation or continuous improvement  Services to augment expertise and capacity, as well as business assessments and roadmaps
The CAPEX to OPEX mega-trend Aligning more services to an operational expense model


Point solution services represent that missing piece of the puzzle that many companies seek to free them from the burdens of this “do more with less,” post-pandemic environment that we are in. These services offer high value, subject matter expertise (SME) and lower total cost of ownership (TCO), in many cases. 

Watch the Webinar Now 

In our webinar “Do More With Less: Engineering in a Post-Pandemic World,” we highlighted the capabilities that fall under our new Design & Engineering Services. Watch the recording to see how we have been helping customers tackle their specific product development challenges in the post-pandemic environment. 


Want to learn more about our new services offerings and how they can help you achieve your product development goals? Contact us at Hawk Ridge Systems today to get the conversation started.

Picture of Brett Dunn

Brett Dunn

For 25 years, Brett Dunn has been assisting manufacturing companies in finding cost-effective and creative ways to lower costs, improve production/efficiency, and compete and win. Having worked with literally thousands of companies over the years, Brett has seen what works and, quite frankly, what doesn't. Brett's priority here at Hawk Ridge Systems is to lead our company in defining and delivering services that help our clients grow. When our clients win and grow, so does Hawk Ridge Systems. It's a simple formula that we believe in.