Services Discount


  • Our Flight Plans are not only designed to get you up and running quickly, but also provide a consultative approach to ensure we meet your specific needs. We offer Flight plans for SOLIDWORKS CAD, PDM, Electrical, Simulation, PCB, Composer and more.


  • Looking to use those new features in the latest version of SOLIDWORKS? We can help! Our upgrade service removes the uncertainty from the process. Our experienced specialists have performed hundreds of system upgrades and understand that updating SOLIDWORKS products may be daunting. Some of the challenges and concerns you may have include:
    – Are your current servers compatible with the version you wish to upgrade to?
    – How do you deploy upgrades to client workstations most efficiently?
    – What happens if you encounter an error message in the middle of the upgrade?
    – Questions around maintaining custom add-ins in your PDM vault? Will they still work in the new version?


  • Should you have a specific, well-defined PDM problem you need to address but lack the time or expertise to deal with it, Hawk Ridge Systems can help.
  • Our virtual, enterprise consulting services are available to address any challenge you may have. From initial discovery, project scoping and service delivery, we can help you identify the issue, devise a solution, and implement it.


  • Services discounts are limited to Hawk Ridge Systems services that are internally provided.
    – Services delivered by third-party service providers are not included.
  • Migration and integration services are excluded from the services discount program.
  • Service discounts are non-transferrable between companies, not redeemable against other offerings and expire at the conclusion of each subscription period.
  • All service purchases are final and will be invoiced upon receipt of the purchase order. Services must be completed within one (1) year of purchase date or payments will be forfeited. Fees are non-transferable to other purchases.