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CNC programming within SOLIDWORKS.
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Markforged D2 Tool Steel is the hardest and most wear-resistant material from Markforged, but less tough than A2 tool steel. D2 has a hardness rating of 54HRC as-sintered and can be heat treated to obtain a 60HRC rating. D2 Tool Steel is only compatible with the Markforged Metal X.
SKU: F-MF-1007
Hawk Ridge Systems is your source for replacement filament spools of Markforged materials. We make it easy to buy everything you need to maintain your 3D printer system, so you can keep your printers up and running.
If you use your Markforged printer regularly, you can burn through a spool of filament quickly. It’s important to remember if you run out of material mid-print, depending on the material, that stoppage could potentially affect final print quality. It’s always best to have an extra spool, just in case.
The Hawk Ridge 3D printing team is dedicated to your success. We supply you with everything you need to get your printer system up and running quickly, as well as helping you to be more productive.
We are here to offer suggestions on print orientation, fiber routing, and how to make your parts stronger or build them faster.
Complete self-paced training programs for the Markforged line of 3D printers. Learn printer operations and best practices when it’s convenient for you.
Our team supplies you everything you need for 3D printer installation to get your Markforged machine up and running quickly.