Hawk Ridge Systems
SOLIDWORKS CAM vs. CAMWorks - Which CAM package is right for you?

SOLIDWORKS CAM vs. CAMWorks – Which CAM package is right for you?

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Do you know the difference between SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks?

Have you been considering a purchase but you aren’t sure which product is best for your business? Join Hawk Ridge Systems CAM Specialist, Daniel Lyon, as he takes you through the features of the different CAM packages to decipher what each includes so you know which one is right for you.

Picture of Daniel Lyon

Daniel Lyon

Daniel has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering with 18 years of experience with SOLIDWORKS, is a Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert and teaches numerous courses at Hawk Ridge Systems. He specializes in CAM, including 2.5 through 5-axis milling, and complex turn-mill machines as well as machine simulation. Daniel is based out of our Vancouver office.