Post Processor Guidelines

Section 1:

At Hawk Ridge Systems (HRS), we understand the importance of post processors in connecting your CAD/CAM software to your CNC machine. Our skilled personnel have years of experience in developing high-quality post processors that support the functionality of your CAMWorks and SOLIDWORKS CAM software and output accurate G-code.

  • We strive to create the best post processor for your machine and will go the extra mile to ensure it supports your CAM software capabilities and outputs accurate G-code.
  • We deliver post processors in a timely manner, but please note that developing and modifying post processors can be an iterative process and delivery estimates change.
  • The accuracy of the post processor depends on the information provided about your machine. Please take the time to correctly communicate your machine details and specific G-code requirements. Inaccurate or incomplete information may result in delays or potential additional fees. Correct output is g-code that runs the machine without error, not based on code visuals.
  • Post processors are developed for a specific machine make, model, series, and If you have slight variations between machines, we can quote the necessary post changes to accommodate similar but different machines.
  • We assume that the machine is functioning properly and configured correctly to interpret the code issued by the post processor.
  • Updates and changes to eliminate machine alarms or cutting errors are provided at no additional cost for 1 year from the date of initial (Please reference section 2 of this document below for the differences between fixes, changes, and enhancements.)
  • We may request a test program to verify code before making any post
  • We will do our best to troubleshoot any issues that arise, but some challenges may require additional services from third parties with their own fees.
  • Hawk Ridge Systems may occasionally outsource post development to select
  • Post processors are licensed to the original purchaser and are not for resale or customer distribution. Doing so can void the terms of the post processor sale.
  • When requesting post changes, please provide the following: machine alarm code, programmed sample part, posted g-code and corrected g-code to [email protected]. Your support ticket will track the issue to completion.
  • All Hawk Ridge Systems post processor source code is proprietary and


Section 2: Hawk Ridge Systems Post Processor Modification Policy

Post processor modifications fall under 3 categories. A description of each is below, including how they are handled. (Effective 4/1/2023)

  • Post Fixes
    1. Definition – Customer has not used a function of a post processor and upon initial use of that function determines the g-code output is not correct and the machine will not run.
    2. Example – The first time a customer tries to thread mill a hole the Z value is not output in the line of code cutting the arc.
    3. Resolution – Customer completes post change request as directed in Section 1, line 11 above, and HRS makes the required changes at no charge for 1 year from the date of initial post processor
  • Post changes
    1. Definition – The post processor is functioning as designed and the machine runs with no errors, but the customer has a different preference of how they want the code to appear.
    2. Example – Customer wants the home position g-code/call to be changed from G30 to
    3. Resolution – Customer completes post change request as directed in Section 1, line 11 above, and HRS will review the development time required to facilitate the requested change. For simple changes, HRS will always strive to make the change at no charge, if possible. For more complex changes which require more extensive development, HRS will supply a quote for the requested post changes.
  • Post Enhancements
    1. Definition – The post processor is functioning as designed and the machine runs with no errors, but the customer or CAMWorks/SOLIDWORKS CAM has a new feature, function, or tool that needs to be supported.
    2. Example – A customer has purchased a special custom tool or a new option for their machine and support for this addition is needed in the post processor. Or, CAMWorks/ SOLIDWORKS CAM has added new functionality to the software that did not exist at the time of original purchase.
    3. Resolution – Customer completes post change request as directed in Section 1, line 11 above, including sample g-code for the new functionality desired. HRS will review the development time required to facilitate the enhancement request and supply a quote.


Our goal at Hawk Ridge Systems is to provide high-value and error-free posted g-code. These policies supersede all previous agreements, but we will always seek to be fair and deliver maximum value.


Thank you for choosing Hawk Ridge Systems, where we value your productivity. For any questions regarding these procedures, please contact [email protected].